jerry finnegan’s sister @ lake theatre (Jul-Aug’18)
“Mr. Maltby plays [Brian] with good, sorry eyes and strong arms on a nerd’s frame.” --Cathy DeDe, Glens Falls Chronicle
“…Evan Maltby and Megan Dorn are able to keep things sweet and find a connection between the two characters…” --Bob Goepfert, WAMC
PUFFS @ The Peoples improv theater (Dec'15-Aug'16)
Page A2 of the New York Times, 1/16/2016
"...Cedric Diggory, played by Evan Maltby with such lovable good-guy warmth..." --Laura Collin-Hughes, NY Times
"Maltby absolutely steals the show. Cedric is one of the characters best served by fanon, and Maltby infuses him with insane charisma." --Irvin K (aka HPBoy13), Hypable
"Played by the infallible Evan Maltby, Cedric is a charismatic blend of rock-n-roll star and boy-next-door..." --Artem Yatsunov, Theater Is Easy
"Maltby is spot-on as Cedric, the Puff’s hunk-superstar, perpetually smiling and eager to lead the Puffs..." --Rachel Kerry, NY Theatre Review
"With plenty of charm and abs for days, actor Evan Maltby oozes charisma..." --Noelle, Pop City Life
"I have to single out the heroic Cedric Diggory of Evan Maltby."
--David Cady, of Donna DeSeta casting, on Facebook
a burial place @ The dorothy strelsin theatre (Nov'16)
"Maltby (Emmett) gives a wonderful performance that [is] passionate, heartfelt and will make everyone a bit tense in what turns into a very cathartic experience."
"Maltby plays Emmett with a fragile sensitivity. He’s the most invested in his friend’s relationships, and his emotional crescendos are moving." --NY Theatre Guide
kapow-i gogo @ the peoples improv theater
"As Kapow-i’s comic relief nemesis Tuxedo Gary, Maltby manages to move from pose to pose like a living Speed Racer character."
--Rachel Kerry, New York Theatre Review
"Maltby sported an effortlessly giant personality. His big character was Tuxedo Gary, but his appearances as an assortment of cardboard cutouts were well worth while ... Maltby's physical work remains a highlight of the piece."
--Michael Block, Theater in the Now here & here
"The entire cast should be commended for their boundless energy, [especially] Evan Maltby’s coyish Moobat and sprite-animated Tuxedo Gary." --Charles, GeeksOut
"The whole cast taps in to the vein of anime high-camp with remarkable ease." --Christopher Peterson, OnStage Blog